This House Would Abolish National Exam (pro)

Definition :
according to Wikipedia National examination ordinary abbreviated UN / unas is evaluation system education standards primary and secondary nationally and equation quality education level between the area.

before I will underlines the statement that this (equation quality education level between regions)
the purpose conducted National examination by JK in (2013) he said: purpose UN to measure the quality standards in Indonesia

and based statement JK, I am sure that implemented National exam, there is no to its it a lot of adverse impacts her to the students
then the reply to measure the quality standards in Indonesia, could not measured by the National exam, as less effective and less clear.
try you imagine we learned 3 years and only at stake with some about the UN, not glue it's not objective? true

And the i really agree with the motion .. 
as a result of the UN in addition to less objective, also in the process of the preparation of his was quite complicated and too charge to students, example his before ahead of UN always held TO, and even not only one but twice..

so in preparing her alone was definitely needed time extra, and that it will be inhibited thought process of students who will make the students to be weighed down or even to stress.
and not only that a result of the UN actually not real with the ability of the original of students, due to the question shaped multiple choice and only mencakuo some material any of the class 1-3 and even the most of what we try to learn and remember it often does not appear, or even just students mostly students smart and diligent in fact a result of the UN his greater they their normal or even students lazy? and not only that with UN students feel unfair, with the yanh he has gone through many years but they are determined from the value of UN the coverage material was only a portion and about his was shaped multiple choice that most can only be relied luck. isn't it was not useful?
for example: 1. we have struggled for 3 years, faced a problem for 3 years, but it is disappointing because our struggle will be at stake for few days and few hours only
education offices in Indonesia never think what they feel they just make the problems and curriculum in Indonesia is different even though there is a curriculum that they made by raising the NEM graduation and plus the package package with 20 packages. 
And it is precisely such a program that makes students become burdened even to become stressful and ultimately they become surrendered in learning 
so I agree and believe that the above motion is the right action to liberate the nation's generation from the difficulties of the education system that will hinder the psychic growth of students

Then to strengthen my statement I have some negative impact of the implementation of the UN quoted from Google and Mutia Kartika dot is as follows
1 students have to prepare extra energy to follow the lesson or study guidance according to Mr. Amir Faisal Lubis with learning it does not need to be recommended
Why ? because the study time in school is very enough
2.the other two negative sides are the students losing the time for playing it is important But we must know when it's time to play and when it's time to stop the alumni Labschool said and the national exam can also make the student depressed 
Why ? because the student is not ready for
Do it .

and one Again I agree with the motion with the abolition of the UN will bring a positive impact for students. including:
1. Psychological burden of students is reduced by the elimination of UN policy students do not need burdened for learning that exceeds the proportion  
during this time when the National examination is near the students are required to learn extra students should sacrifice it enough urged to learn and learn only for the sake of the target can pass UN frequency learn unusual and tend forced it will make a lesson is difficult to understand and will be a negative impact for psychic students
2. Bringing a sense of justice students in Indonesia.
It is not very wise in the implementation of the national exam is the students throughout Indonesia given the same problem nationally. whereas if seen by the visible equity of education in Indonesia not fully realized and existing schools only 30% which is above the national standard. it creates a sense of injustice for students with facilities and infrastructure and educators who are still very concerned because they have to compete and answer the same problem with students who are in urban areas with decent educational facilities and national standard
3. Minimize a false understanding of the meaning of learning.
What is more common is that sometimes a child, a parent, and a society measure a child's ability based on his or her academic achievement. pass the national exam to be the reference of the child is said to be achievers or not. this creates a misconception about the meaning of learning because the essence of learning is to make a child better understand the good and the wrong. some parents also make the national exam that their children achieve as a reference for their children is eligible to continue school or not.

*Some Reasons why the UN should be abolished according to Komasiana9: 
1. Teachers are simply useless to teach because those who pass the decision are the government.
((even if the graduation will still be given to the school, then what are the benefits implemented UN?))

2. There is an unfairness in the education world of Indonesia because each school has different quality standards so that the evaluation should be adjusted.
3. UN is not a suggestion to control the quality of education. The quality of education can not only be based on the number of students who got the value of UN 100 and graduated, there are also some students who are really smart just do not pass and vice versa.
4. UN does not form the character of hard work, but instead form the character- the character of a liar and cunning because the UN is "forced" to pass then no jaraang cheat.
5. Only judge students from cognitive values ​​written with numbers in answer sheets, while the values ​​of attitudes and behaviors to form students of character and character of the nation are ruled out.
6. UN is a requirement of students' graduation, at that time the function of UN has deviated. Although percent of the passing score is 50% of the UN score and 50% of the value of the School Examination, the UN still determines the final result.
7. The UN heralded instead of raising the spirit of learning even make students feel terrorized which led to a decrease in the spirit of learning because in various media and news visible once UN as a scourge of students so many places full tutoring at the time approaching the UN arrived.
Source on google 
society does not agree with the national examination. They claim that the equalization of the standard of graduation is not in accordance with the actual situation in the field. National examinations may discriminate against schools that are on the periphery and away from access to adequate education. They also say that the one who must determine the passing of students is not the standard given by the government but the teacher who has the right to determine the passing of students or not. Moreover, the implementation of national examinations that are vulnerable to cheating such as buying and selling key answers and late lecture distribution is also a weakness of the national exam implementation.


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