(contra) Thbt social networking is good for society

with the development of globalization to make Social networking site also growing rapidly, but it is quite dangerous also for the community, should the public do not have to know social networking, because the widespread social networking that is the result of globalization, the local community relations with outside communities even open without limits, and I am sure that is not good for society, because society will be susceptible to influence from outside culture, while our culture with culture outside especially western culture is very slam upside down, very unfit because culture in indonesia which majority is religion,

not only that, with the widespread social networking such as facebook, twitter, instagram etc., it can make people become restless and feel threatened because with the widespread social networking is vulnerable to crime. so evil will grow too

then, about the business and online shopping precisely, the rise of fraud scams that occur because of social networking.

such as celebrity homeland Mulan jameela who is a victim of online business fraud which is the progress of Social networking, In addition to mulan jameela who is a victim of fraud he loss of 15,000,000. also there saskia gothic,bunga zaenal etc.

not only that, In addition to the rise of online business fraud that is the impact of Social networking, also the existence of product mismatch, for example that is sold product A, exactly that sent product B. even they can sell product of illegal or even forbidden product

as a result of the growing social networking, the community becomes threatened, because of the existence of unlimited freedom and relationships, our culture becomes easier to be influenced by other cultures, or even to be mastered, with social networking that can transmit information at any time about the development of the outside world, precisely at that time our culture is increasingly threatened its existence. do not we become guests in our own country?

As for the impact of the use of social networking for society is

1. Individuals become lazy to socialize physically. ((
in the presence of social networking type chat like Facebook Twitter etc., makes people become more active in just a social media only, in fact it narrow the interaction true because too busy with interactions freely in social networking site unproven truth in fact it will make individuals who intolerant))
2 Increased fraud and also cyber.((
. a crime that is increasingly benefited by the existence of social networking, he becomes free in committing crimes without worrying about his identity))
4 Negative content is growing rapidly.((with a social networking site that is a picture of free world interaction without filtering and strict supervision, making content outside content that should not be viewed, even accessible by the community, and it can be morally community drop))
5 Defamation and also defamation widely.
6 Keep the close ones away.((with social networking, the community becomes an intolerant individual, people tend to ignore the people around them, and instead they prefer to interact with those who are far from their reach .. because of the impact of widespread social networking.))
7 Ignoring the task as well as the job .((
.8 Wasting time on unnecessary thingsso fun for the community when using social networking, sometimes they are willing to change their working time just for surfing in the internet world, and that is not good, because the time people become wasted in vain))

here are some impacts of overall social networking that are not good for the society ;

1.Social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information.
Social media lacks privacy and exposes users to government and corporate intrusions
Social media can lead to stress and offline relationship problems
4.Social media can entice people to waste time.
5.Using social media can harm job stability and employment prospects
6.The use of social media is correlated with personality and brain disorders
Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes.,
8.Social media can endanger the military, journalists, and activists.
Social media enables "sexting," which can lead to criminal charges and the unexpected proliferation of personal images.
Social media sites' advertising practices may constitute an invasion of privacy.
11.Social media posts cannot be completely deleted and all information posted can have unintended consequences.


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