THW abolish National exam (UN) contra

Hasil gambar untuk national exam

* according to KBBI, Trials are something that is used to test the quality of something (intelligence, ability)
*exams is the action or process of conducting an examination (according to oxford dictionary)
*and the National according kbbi is to be nationality or include a nation
according to the oxford dictionary Nasional is relating to or characteristic of a nation.
*in general, the national examination is: a study of learning by the government aimed at assessing the achievement of the competence of graduates nationally, on certain subjects, within the scope of science and technology
# national exam according to experts
according to Sudjana: UN is a system that has been prepared that has a business for the achievement of an interest
#the purpose of the UN implemented is
assess the achievement of national graduate competencies on certain subjects in science and technology subjects
according to JK in Wednesday Wednesday 8 May 2013, the purpose of the UN is to measure quality standards in Indonesia
*then JK also said that since the start of UN in 2002 until now already happened quality improvement, seen from the improvement limit graduation (passing grade)
#(i really dis Agree about the mition )
because if the UN is abolished, students become free and become free in learning, they will not be serious in learning and do not have responsibilities, because they think that there will be no national final exam for the determinants of graduation. so with the elimination of his UN child becomes less disciplined
and you have to know if result of the UN it was so pure and not made create so we can measure the extent to which the ability of US. talking about the extent to which the ability of US and the results are closely related to the business person. so sisw will be frightened value UN his will small and it into consideration graduation or in search of work, so students will become active in the study and be diligent and students will be self-motivated or aware of the National examination it is very important
and not a secret anymore, if the current national exam value is very useful in the world of work (finding a job) (if we do not continue to the higher level again), and there are even some universities who consider the prospective student with a value UN because it is considered the purest value than the value of the report card most of the value of affection from the subject teachers, or additional value and the value of improvement.
As for Kellagan & Greaney (20001) the purpose of the implementation of the UN is
1. Improving education standards to address employment needs
2. .to maintain the educational standards already owned
3.examination of state dilalakukan as part of modernization
(in other countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Japan, and China. who use the national exam system, but they can and can print high quality students, if they can why we do not?) balance the practice of assessment or evaluation by teachers
#as for some consequences that arise if the UN is not implemented according to EBEL (1980)
1. The drive for a person's effort to learn will be more difficult: Because students feel free and do not feel they have a big responsibility (about a national exam) so they feel relaxed or even not serious in learning and they just think school is coming home from school they sometimes do not think how the future will be what and how the future? ((although at the present time the value of UN tida be a graduation indicator of a student, but in fact it was asked by the provider of employment and the university is the maximum value of the UN))
2. the ability to pursue education is not based on talent and achievement, but rather based on heredity.((
so if the UN abolished then the students will not be focused on his talents and achievements, then jiga like that aka students tend to return to the propesi of his parents. and with the absence of UN learners become more relaxed in learning and as we know Not to relax in learning, studying seriously not necessarily they understand all the lessons.))
3 .social class barriers are less impenetrable. because the UN is abolished so that the quality of education becomes decreased, because the students are too relaxed or even not serious, so that it can print low quality human resources, so as to create a social class class where the rich get richer,
+ Definately disagree with the motion
#then there are several benefits of the implementation of the National examination a tool to make changes in the field of education has diajelaskan earlier, that with the holding of UN students to feel responsible, with the UN that benchmark how far our ability
2. Provide information on current condition and progress of school quality learners ((it has been said that the national exam is a test that results purely from the student's ability, so that's the result that will determine the quality of each school))
3. provide accountable exam results to motivate teachers and learners to try better. still talking about the UN and pure values ​​can also be used to evaluate student learning outcomes.
4. as an arena to know the potential of students. 5.sebagai reference in continuing study
# As for the positive side of the UN is 1. students will be passion for learning. 2. students will start competing


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